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NLP is an acronym that stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.

It is a very practical technique of assisting our clients rapidly achieve positive change through language, behaviours and thoughts. This change is done conversationally and works both consciously and unconsciously. In essence what it each part stands for is:

  • Neuro – How we choose to view and sense the world
  • Lingustic – The internal dialogue and external language we use
  • Programming – The behaviours we exhibit

NLP is a very effective process of reprogramming the brain’s default settings for efficiency and effectiveness.

How was NLP developed?

NLP was founded in 1976 by a linguistics Professor John Grinder and Dr Richard Bandler, who was a computer scientist.  They looked at what were the most effective models of therapy & therapists that existed at that time.  These were:

Milton Erickson – the world famous father of modern Clinical Hypnotherapy

Virginia Satir – a family therapist specialising in very complex cases

Fritz Perls – the originator of Gestalt therapy

They examined all of the processes, attitudes and behaviours about what these three therapists did to get such extraordinary results. They noticed there were certain common aspects that each did, as well as techniques individual to each therapy.  Bandler & Grinder modelled this & created NLP.

From understanding the models of success, they were then able to create entirely new models. What this means for you is that it’s possible to deal with blocks very quickly and often times more rapidly than with other techniques.

How does NLP work?

NLP is a technique based on modelling excellence. There are people in every area of human activity that excel at what they do and how they approach certain aspects of their experience. NLP examines mental strategies that these people do to increase their motivation, overcome anxiety or other blocks like phobias etc. and then make these mental strategies available for others who might need them. Doing something well, consistently, is not an accident, it is a process. NLP might help you learn that process and put it into action in your everyday life.

We were not born with low self-esteem, tendencies to over-eat, or suffering from compulsive behaviours – these are all habits we have learned and practiced so often that they become part of ‘who we are’. NLP techniques may be used to assist the individual to adapt whatever it is they are doing into behaviours that could give them the results they want. NLP aims to increase the choices available in any situation, and remove the blocks which currently prevent sound choices being made.

What are the advantages of NLP?

NLP is a low-risk technique, meaning that the likelihood of any adverse effects is low. It is also low-effort technique, meaning that the time and energy involved in the process is minimal. In addition to that, it is a highly accessible technique, given that there are no geographical limitations to its availability. Other advantages of NLP include that there is no need to identify the root cause of a person’s blocks to move beyond them and resolve them once and for all

NLP can be used for a variety of issues. Today, very famous and successful people utilise NLP. Paul McKenna uses NLP at the core of what he does so successfully, as does the biggest name in personal development, Tony Robbins.

If you want to learn more about NLP, read our comprehensive guide here.

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